Our Top 10 Politics Stories: 2022

Dive into how much British colonization cost the Indian subcontinent, what the Koh-i-noor really represents, South Asian migrant worker deaths at the World Cup, and more.

GettyImages-526601904 migrant workers
Migrant workers stand in the doorway of their shared bedroom at a workers’ camp in al-Khor, Qatar, on June 17, 2011. (Sam Tarling/Corbis via Getty Images)

The Juggernaut


December 30, 2022


1 min

These were the politics, policy, and economy stories about South Asians globally that our readers and editors just couldn't get enough of. Read up on the true cost of British colonization in the subcontinent, how the Sri Lankan economic crisis unfolded, the dark underbelly of wrestling in India, and much more.

For those who want even more, click here for the entire politics section.

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