Opinion: R.K. Narayan’s Idyllic Malgudi Might Not Be Enough
The famed short story writer created a utopia that rarely mentions caste or politics. It is the place where we may want to escape, but not where we can live.
Priya-Alika Elias
Opinion: Your Nostalgia Doesn’t Cancel Out Enid Blyton’s Racism
The late author’s books contain incredibly anti-Black content and imagery. Why, then, do Indians give Blyton a pass?
How the Indian Judiciary Lets Down Sexual Assault Victims
Two cases in the past year alone highlight how India’s approach to adjudicating sexual assault is outdated at best, dangerous at worst.
The Biting Familiarity of ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’
The Malayalam film starkly captures the grim reality of one woman’s domestic life — and is relevant to this day.